Tribal Water Rights
Tribal Water Rights
There are 22 federally recognized tribes in the state of Arizona. Of those tribes, 14 have either fully resolved, adjudicated rights or partially resolved water rights claims; and of that group, a number of those tribes received a significant portion of their water through the CAP. Eleven Arizona tribes have outstanding water rights claims. Going forward, the 2004 Arizona Water Settlements Act set aside an additional 67,300 acre-feet of CAP water to address any remaining water rights settlement claims: 33,107 acre-feet remains for future settlements after the White Mountain Apache received 23,782 acre-feet; 6,411 acre-feet was reserved for the Navajo Nation; and 4,000 acre-feet was granted to the Hualapai Tribe in its pending settlement. In total, approximately 46 percent of the CAP water supply is, or will be, permanently allocated to Arizona Indian Tribes. This makes CAP the largest single supplier of Colorado River water to tribal water users in the Colorado River system.
As more tribes begin to take CAP water, the need to understand one another’s operations will continue to grow. To meet this changing demand, CAWCD is proactively working with tribes and their communities to understand the different needs of each tribe and the unique challenges and opportunities impacting each tribe. The CAP was constructed through a collaborative process and CAWCD believes continued collaboration with the tribes can propel our desert communities forward.

CAP Indian Water Rights Settlements
- Ak-Chin Indian Community
- Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community
- Fort McDowell Indian Community
- Yavapai Prescott Apache Tribe
- Pueblo of Zuni
- Gila River Indian Community
- White Mountain Apache Tribe (pending full enactment)
- Hualapai Tribe (pending full enactment)
- Cocopah Indian Tribe
- Colorado River Indian Tribes
- Fort Mohave Indian Tribe
- Fort Yuma/Quechan Tribe
- San Carlos Apache (Salt, Black and San Pedro River claims resolved)
- Tohono O’odham (San Xavier, Schuk Toak, and Gila Bend Districts resolved)
- Havasupai Tribe
- Hopi Tribe
- Kaibab Band of Paiute Indians
- Navajo Nation
- Pasqua Yaqui Tribe
- San Juan Southern Paiute
- Tonto Apache Tribe
- Yavapai-Apache Nation