- Public Records Request
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- Public Records Request FAQs
Public Records Request FAQ
What is a Public Record?
Any record that is reasonably necessary or appropriate to maintain an accurate knowledge of a public body’s official activities which are supported by monies from the state or any political subdivision of the state. This includes books, papers, maps, photographs, or documentary materials, regardless of physical form or characteristics, including prints or copies of such items produced or reproduced on film or electronic media made or received by any governmental agency in pursuance of law or in connection with the transaction of public business. A.R.S. § 39-121.01 (A)(2).
What information is already available online?
Some records and information may be readily available at www.cap-az.com. This includes Construction, E-Bids, History, Sustainability and Tribal Water information.
How do I submit a Public Records Request to the Central Arizona Project (CAP)?
A Public Record Request may be submitted on line by clicking HERE and completing the Request Form. The Public Record Request form may also be completed and submitted to: recordrequest@cap-az.com or brought in person between the hours of Monday – Thursday, 8:00am – 5:00pm to:
23636 N. 7th Street
Phoenix AZ 85024
Attention Public Record Request.
How long does it take to fulfill a public record request?
Arizona law states that a public agency must respond “promptly”, although promptly is not defined by statute. “Promptness” depends on what is reasonable under the circumstances. The length of time it takes largely depends on activity, volume and scope, however the CAP is committed to providing requested records as quickly and efficiently as possible.
In what format will public records be provided? Can I get the records electronically?
The law provides the right to access, inspect and copy existing public records in the format in which they are maintained. The records are usually provided electronically as a pdf or tiff of the original or a paper copy of the original, unless otherwise requested. If the records can be scanned and provided electronically, we will provide this service; otherwise the records will be mailed or made available for pickup.
Will I have to pay for public records?
Arizona statutes allows charging to compile and copy records if they are provided in hard copy (paper) format. Payment will be collected in full before documents are copied, reviewed, redacted or otherwise processed. A.R.S. § 39-121.03.D. CAP’s fees are:
- $.40 per page for black and white, letter size;
- $.60 per page for black and white, legal size;
- $.80 per page for 11”x17”.
- An additional $.15 per page is added for color copies.
Large drawing sizes are calculated using the above sizes.
Mailing charges are additional based on actual costs incurred for the specific delivery type (US Mail, FedEx, UPS).
NOTE: If the records are provided electronically, there is no charge for non-commercial use requests.
What is the process for records requested for Commercial Use?
Indicate on the Request form for Commercial use. Indicate on the Request form that you acknowledge there may be fees associated with this request in accordance with AZ Statute §39-121.03.D. Fees established are reasonable as allowed by the AZ Statute. An invoice will be provided and full payment must be made prior to obtaining the records.
Are any records exempt from inspection or obtainment?
Yes, certain records, as specified by Arizona Statute are exempt. Examples include but are not limited to: drawings of plant and field location security systems; employee personnel identification information (social security number, home addresses, bank account numbers, medical); federal risk assessments; records that involves privacy interests (passwords, ports, closed committee sessions); records deemed confidential by the State and records whose disclosure would be detrimental to the best interests of the State or the Central Arizona Project.
How do I contact CAP’s Public Records Office?
For questions regarding CAP’s public records request, contact the Public Records Office at recordrequest@cap-az.com or call 623-869-2147.