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Water Bank Recovery

Water Bank Recovery

Since its inception in 1996, the Arizona Water Banking Authority (AWBA), in partnership with CAP, has stored more than four million acre-feet of CAP water in the aquifers of central and southern Arizona. This water has been stored in underground storage and groundwater savings facilities throughout the CAP service area. CAP is responsible for recovering a portion of this stored water in support of:

  • CAP municipal & industrial (M & I) subcontracts when there is a shortage in Colorado River water supplies
  • The Southern Nevada Water Authority Agreement
  • The Mohave County Water Authority Agreement

Joint Recovery Plan

2021 Update

The 2021 Joint Update builds on previous planning efforts in the 2014 Plan, further discusses Independent Recovery concepts intended to increase flexibility and fully utilize existing infrastructure, includes an analysis of recovery capacity requirements focused on impacts to direct uses, and identifies future activities and commitments by AWBA, ADWR and CAP.

2014 Plan

On May 1st, 2014, the CAWCD Board voted to formally acknowledge the Joint Recovery Plan. The Plan advances the joint objective among CAWCD, AWBA and ADWR to develop a coordinated and cooperative planning process that includes distribution and recovery of water stored by the AWBA.


  • Development of cooperative agreements to implement recovery
  • Recovery facilities including new infrastructure
  • Cooperating with partners and stakeholders

Recovery Planning Advisory Group process

In January 2018, ADWR, along with AWBA and CAP, convened the Recovery Advisory Planning Group (RPAG) to include stakeholder perspectives as recovery planning and implementation concepts are updated and refined. It was acknowledged that the input from RPAG is critical for the success of the recovery program. The RPAG is a 14-member advisory group comprised of representatives from agricultural, municipal, tribal, utility and on-river entities.

For more information on RPAG, see ADWR’s RPAG page.

For more information on the Arizona Water Banking Authority, see AWBA’s website.

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