Building Resiliency
Building Resiliency
CAP is building flexibility and creating certainty in its system through partnerships and cooperation.
CAP has been actively participating in water supply augmentation and conservation projects. Water conservation programs, such as the Brock Reservoir project, are contributing to improve water supply reliability by making the process of real-time deliveries to users downstream of Imperial Dam more efficient.
Other initiatives such as the Basin Study and desalination projects contemplate projects that eventually could provide additional water supplies to lower basin users, including CAP.
In addition, CAP has long been storing Colorado River water underground and now has millions of acre-feet of stored water in its aquifers to turn to in times of future shortage. CAP has focused on “firming,” or the recovery of water stored underground by the Arizona Water Banking Authority (AWBA) to cover, or “firm,” reduced deliveries in the event of shortage. Firming is also important in stabilizing CAP long-term subcontracts.
Weather Modification Projects
Weather modification activities support cloud seeding projects in the Upper Colorado River Basin that aim at generating greater runoff volumes in the Colorado River.