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Board History

CAWCD Board History

CAWCD'S First Board of Directors

In July 1971 Governor Jack Williams appointed the first Board of Directors of the Central Arizona Water Conservation District. Their term expired December 31, 1972. In
November 1972 elections were conducted in the three counties (Maricopa, Pima, and Pinal) to elect directors for the next four-year period.

President Roger Ernst Maricopa County
Vice President Dwight PattersonMaricopa County
Secretary Walter ArmerPima County
Germain BallMaricopa County
G. Clark Bean Maricopa County
Tom ChaunceyMaricopa County
Dan ClarkePima County
Virgil KatterhenryMaricopa County
Ray Killian Maricopa County
Quentin MeesPima County
Glenn OvermanMaricopa County
Fred StofftMaricopa County
John S. Sullivan Pima County
Morrison WarrenMaricopa County
Howard WuertzPima County

CAWCD Board Members

(Sorted by last name – Updated 1/1/2025)


Ylenia Aguilar (Maricopa)
Elected 2023-2028.

Marvin Andrews (Maricopa) (deceased)
Appointed in December 1992 to serve term through December 31, 1994 vacated by Mary Ann Niccoli.

Alexandra Arboleda (Maricopa)
Elected 2017-2022 (Executive Committee 2019- ) (Secretary 2021-2023); elected 2023-
2028; (Vice President 2023- ). (Vice President 2023- ).

Walter Armer (Pima) (deceased)
Appointed in July 1971 by Governor Williams to serve through 1972 (Secretary July 1971 through December 31, 1972); elected 1973-1976 (Secretary 1973-1976).

Lisa A. Atkins (Maricopa)
Appointed January 2003 to serve term through December 31, 2006 vacated by Robert Burns; elected 2007-2012 (Executive Committee 2007–2009); elected 2013-2018. (Secretary 2013-2015) (President 2015-2018); elected 2019-2024 (President 2019-2021) (Executive Committee 2021- ). Elected 2025-2030.

Darwin Aycock (Maricopa) (deceased)
Elected 1977-1980.


Germain Ball (Maricopa) (deceased)
Appointed in July 1971 by Governor Williams to serve through 1972; elected 1973- 1976.

George Barr (Pima) (deceased)
Elected 1977-1980; elected 1981-1984 (Vice President #1 1981-1982) (Vice President 1983-1984), (President May 3, 1984 through December 31, 1984 due to resignation of Dale Shumway); elected 1985-1990 (President 1985-1986) (Vice President 1987-1988) (President 1989-1990); elected 1991-1996 (Vice President 1991-1992) (Executive Committee 1993-1994).

Frank Barrios (Maricopa)
Appointed in January 2003 to serve term through December 31, 2006 vacated by Terry Goddard.

Frank Barry (Pima) (deceased)
Elected 1981-1984.

Robert Beaudry (Pima)
Elected 1997-2002.

G. Clark Bean (Maricopa)
Appointed in July 1971 by Governor Williams to serve through 1972; elected 1973- 1976.

Susan Bitter Smith (Maricopa)
Elected 1999-2004 (Executive Committee 2003- 2005); elected 2005-2010 (Executive Committee 2005- 2007); (President 2007–2010).

Clyde Bowden (Maricopa) (deceased)
Appointed March 12, 1984 to serve term through December 31, 1988 vacated by Bob Connolly.

Mike Boyd (Pima)
Elected 2003-2008.

Timothy Bray (Maricopa)
Elected 2005-2010. (Secretary 2009- 2011); elected 2011-2016, (Secretary 2011–2012); resigned January 1, 2013.

Al Brooks (Maricopa) (deceased)
Elected 1989-1994, died in office December 9, 1989.

Frank E. Brooks (Pima) (deceased)
Elected 1991-1996.

George B. Brooks, Jr., Ph.D. (Maricopa)
Appointed July 31, 2003 to serve term through December 31, 2006 vacated by George Campbell.

Jennifer Brown (Maricopa)
Elected 2017-2022; (Public Policy Chair 2021-2022).

Becky Buehl (Maricopa)
Elected 1987-1992 (Secretary 1989-1990) (Secretary 1991-1992).

Gayle Burns (Maricopa)
Elected 2007-2012. (Executive Committee 2009- 2011) (Vice President 2011- 2013); appointed November 21, 2012 to serve term through December 31, 2016 vacated by Tim Bray. Resigned March 14, 2016.

Robert Burns (Maricopa)
Elected 2001-2006, resigned January 2003.


George L. Campbell (Maricopa) (deceased)
Elected 1995-2000; elected 2001-2006, died in office May 2003.

Marybeth Carlile (Pima) (deceased)
Elected 1991-1996 (Secretary 1993-1994) (Vice President 1995-1997); elected 1997-2002 (Vice President 1997- 1999) (Vice President 1999-2001) (Vice President 2001-2002).

Guy Carpenter (Maricopa)
Elected 2013-2018, resigned March 2, 2017.

Karen Cesare (Pima)
Elected 2015-2020 (Public Policy Chair 2017-2020); elected 2021-2026 (Secretary 2023- ) (Executive Committee 2023-). (Secretary 2023- ) (Executive Committee 2023- )

Tom Chauncey (Maricopa) (deceased)
Appointed in July 1971 by Governor Williams to serve through 1972; elected 1973- 1976.

Dan Clarke (Pima)
Appointed in July 1971 by Governor Williams to serve through 1972; elected 1973- 1976.

Dalton H. Cole, Jr. (Maricopa)
Appointed October 16, 1996 to serve term through December 31, 2000 vacated by William P. Mahoney, Jr.

Bob Connolly (Maricopa)
Elected 1981-1982; elected 1983-1988, resigned November 7, 1983.

Hanna Cortner (Pima)
Elected 1985-1990.


Reba Elzada Darter (Maricopa) (deceased)
Appointed January 1991 to serve term through December 31, 1992 vacated by Russell Williams.

Dan Donahoe (Maricopa)
Elected 1999-2004 (Executive Committee 2001- 2003) (Secretary 2003- 2005); elected 2005-2010; (Secretary 2005- 2006); (Vice President 2007- 2007); (Secretary 2007–2009).

Mary Doyle (Pima)
Elected 1985-1990, resigned May 15, 1986.


Roy Emrick (Pima)
Elected 1977-1980; elected 1981-1984.

Roger Ernst (Maricopa) (deceased)
Appointed in July 1971 by Governor Williams to serve through 1972 (President July 1971 through December 31, 1972); elected 1973-1976 (President 1973-1976); elected 1977-1980 (Vice President 1977-1978), (Vice President 1979-1980); elected 1981-1982 (Vice President #2 1981-1982).


Frank Fairbanks (Maricopa)
Elected 2011-2016. (Executive Committee 2013-2015) (Secretary 2015-2016) (Vice President 2016).

Paul Fannin (Maricopa) (deceased)
Elected 1983-1988 (Executive Committee 1988).

Tom Fannin (Maricopa)
Elected 1989-1994.

Rudy Fischer (Maricopa)
Elected 2025-2030.

Rebekah L. Friend (Maricopa)
Elected 1995-2000; resigned July 31, 1996.


Grady Gammage, Jr. (Maricopa)
Elected 1993-1998 (President 1995- 1997) (President 1997-1999); elected 1999-2004; (Executive Committee 1999-2001).

Sam Goddard (Maricopa) (deceased)
Elected 1987-1992 (Executive Committee 1991-1992); elected 1993-1998 (President 1993-1994) (Executive Committee 1995-1997) (Executive Committee 1997-1999); elected 1999-2004.

Terry Goddard (Maricopa)
Elected 2001-2006, resigned Jan 2003; elected 2013-2018; elected 2019-2024 (Vice President 2019-2021) (Executive Committee 2019- )  (President 2021- ); elected 2025-

Benjamin W. Graff (Maricopa)
Elected 2017-2022; elected 2023-2028; (Public Policy Co-Chair 2023 – ).


Jim Hartdegen (Pinal)
Elected 1997-2002 (Executive Committee 1999-2001) (Executive Committee 2001-2003); elected 2003-2008 (Executive Committee 2003-2005) (Executive Committee 2005- 2008). Appointed May 15, 2012, to serve term through December 31, 2014, vacated by Terri Kibler (Executive Committee 2013-2015); elected 2015-2020. (Executive Committee 2015-2020).

Paul Hendricks (Maricopa)
Elected 2005-2010 (Executive Committee 2007- 2009).

Jim Holway (Maricopa)
Elected 2011-2016 (Executive Committee 2013-2015); elected 2017-2022 (Vice President 2017-2018).

Marshall Humphrey (Maricopa) (deceased)
Appointed February 27, 1990 to serve term through December 31, 1994 vacated by Al Brooks, died in office July 20, 1991.


Lionel M. “Pat” Jacobs IV (Pima)
Elected 2009-2014; elected 2015-2020; elected 2021-2026.


Diana Kai (Pima)
Elected 2003-2008.

Virgil Katterhenry (Maricopa)
Appointed in July 1971 by Governor Williams to serve through 1972; elected 1973- 1976.

Terri Kibler (Pinal)
Elected 2009-2014. (Executive Committee 2011-May 2012); resigned May 4, 2012.

Ray Killian (Maricopa)
Appointed in July 1971 by Governor Williams to serve through 1972; elected 1973- 1976; elected 1977-1980; elected 1981-1982.

Peggy (Roles) Kohls (Maricopa)
Elected 1983-1988.

Virginia Korte (Maricopa)
Elected 1993-1998 (Executive Committee 1995-1997) (Executive Committee 1997-1999).


Mark Lewis (Maricopa)
Elected 1999-2004; elected 2005-2010; (Executive Committee 2009- 2011) elected 2011-2016; (Executive Committee 2011-2013) elected 2017-2022.

Rodney B. Lewis (Maricopa) (deceased)
Appointed on March 14, 2017, by Governor Ducey to serve term through December 31, 2018, vacated by Guy Carpenter. Died in office April 11, 2018.

John Lyons (Maricopa)
Elected 1977-1980 (Vice President 1979-1980).


Heather A. Macre (Maricopa)
Elected 2013-2018; elected 2019-2024; (Secretary Jan-Feb 2021). (Executive Committee 2023- ) (Executive
Committee 2023- ); elected 2025-2030.

Dick Mahoney (Maricopa)
Elected 1989-1994, resigned January 21, 1992.

William P. Mahoney, Jr. (Maricopa) (deceased)
Elected 1995-2000; resigned September 27, 1996.

Justin Manuel (Pima)
Appointed May 9, 2023 to serve term through December 31, 2026 vacated by Marie Pearthree.

Jennifer Martin-McLeod (Maricopa)
Elected 2019-2024 (Executive Committee 2021-2022).

Jean McGrath (Maricopa)
Elected 2007-2012.

Rod McMullin (Maricopa) (deceased)
Elected 1981-1986 (Executive Committee 1983-[1984]) (Executive Committee 1985-[1986]); elected 1987-1992 (President 1987-1988) (Executive Committee 1989-1990).

Quentin Mees (Pima) (deceased)
Appointed in July 1971 by Governor Williams to serve through 1972; elected 1973- 1976.

Sharon B. Megdal, Ph.D. (Pima)
Elected 2009-2014; elected 2015-2020 (Executive Committee 2015-2020) (Secretary 2016-2020).

Stephen Q. Miller (Pinal)
Elected 2021-2026. (Executive Committee 2021- )

David Modeer (Pima)
Elected 2003-2008 (Executive Committee 2003-2005) (Vice President 2005-2006) (President January 2007-March 2007); (Vice President 2007-2008).

Rose Mofford (Maricopa) (deceased)
Elected 1977-1980.

Amanda Monize (Maricopa)
Elected 2023-2028.

Cynthia Moulton (Maricopa)
Elected 2011-2016.


Robert Nelson (Pinal) (deceased)
Elected 1991-1996.

Mary Ann Niccoli (Maricopa)
Elected 1989-1994 (Executive Committee 1989-1990) (Executive Committee 1991-1992), resigned October 1992.


Dee O’Neill (Pima)
Appointed June 1986 to serve term through December 31, 1990 vacated by Mary Doyle.

Buck O’Rielly (Pima)
Elected 1977-1980.

Glenn Overman (Maricopa)
Appointed in July 1971 by Governor Williams to serve through 1972; elected 1973- 1976; elected 1977-1980 (Executive Committee 1979-1980); elected 1981-1982.


Dwight Patterson (Maricopa) (deceased)
Appointed in July 1971 by Governor Williams to serve through 1972 (Vice President 1971-1972); elected 1973-1976 (Vice President 1973-1976).

Marie S. Pearthree, P.E. (Pima) (deceased)
Elected 2021-2026; Resigned January 6, 2023.

William K. Perry (Maricopa)
Elected 1995-2000; elected 2001-2006 (Secretary 2001- 2003) (Vice President 2003-2005) (President 2005- 2006).

Pamela Pickard (Maricopa)
Elected 2007-2012 (Vice-President 2009-2011) (President 2011-2013); elected 2013-2018 (President 2013-2015) (Executive Committee 2015-2018).

April Pinger-Tornquist (Maricopa)
Elected 2019-2024; elected 2025-2030.

Karl L. Polen, Jr. (Maricopa)
Appointed October 16, 1996 to serve term through December 31, 2000 vacated by Rebekah L. Friend; (Secretary 1999-December 2000).

Howard Pyle (Maricopa) (deceased)
Elected 1981-1986; elected 1987-1992 (Executive Committee 1987) died in office November 29, 1987.


Hank Raymond (Maricopa) (deceased)
Appointed October 31, 1989 to serve term through December 31, 1994 vacated by David King Udall; resigned January 1991.

Ron Rayner (Maricopa)
Appointed October 10, 1991 to serve term through December 31, 1994 vacated by Marshall Humphrey (Vice President 1993-1994). Appointed February 28, 1995 to serve term through December 31, 1998 vacated by Jack Williams.

George Renner (Maricopa)
Appointed May 14, 1992 to serve term through December 31, 1994 vacated by Richard Mahoney (Executive Committee 1993-1994). Elected 1995-2000 (Secretary 1995-1997) (Secretary 1997- 1999) (President 1999- 2001); elected 2001-2006 (President 2001-2003) (President 2003- 2005) (Executive Committee 2005- 2006).

John J. Rhodes III (Maricopa) (deceased)
Elected 1983-1988 (Vice President May 3, 1984 through December 31, 1984 due to resignation of Dale Shumway) (Vice President 1985-1986) resigned December 31, 1986.

Marilyn “Corkey” Ronstadt (Pima)
Elected 1977-1980 (Secretary 1977-1978) (Secretary 1979-1980); elected 1981-1984 (Executive Committee 1981-1982) (Executive Committee 1983-1984); elected 1985-1990 (Executive Committee 1985-1986) (Secretary 1987-1988); elected 1991-1996 (Executive Committee 1991-1992) (Executive Committee 1995- 1997); elected 1997-2002 (Executive Committee 1997- 1999) (Executive Committee 1999- 2001).


Barbara Seago (Maricopa)
Elected 2023-2028.

Lynn Sharp (Maricopa)
Elected 1977-1980; elected 1981-1986 (Secretary 1981-1982) (Secretary 1983-1984) (Secretary 1985-1986).

Dale Shumway (Maricopa)
Elected 1977-1980; elected 1981-1986 (President 1983-1984). Resigned May 3, 1984.

Warren Steffey (Maricopa)
Appointed March 31, 1987 to serve term through December 31, 1988 vacated by John Rhodes III.

Fred Stofft (Maricopa)
Appointed in July 1971 by Governor Williams to serve through 1972; elected 1973- 1976; elected 1977-1980 (Vice President 1977-1978) (Executive Committee 1979-1980).

Don Strauch (Maricopa)
Appointed May 1984 to serve term through December 31, 1986 vacated by Dale Shumway.

John S. Sullivan (Pima)
Appointed in July 1971 by Governor Williams to serve through 1972; elected 1973- 1976.


Mark Taylor (Pima)
Appointed in March 2016 by Governor Ducey to serve term vacated by Warren Tenney through December 2020 (Executive Committee 2019-2020); elected 2021-2026 (Vice President 2021-2023 ) (Executive Committee 2021-2023).

Warren Tenney (Pima)
Elected 2009-2014 (Executive Committee 2011–2013) (Vice President 2013-2015); elected 2015-2020 (Vice President 2015-Jan 31, 2016). Resigned January 31, 2016.

Janie Thom (Maricopa) (deceased)
Elected 2007-2012.

Webb Todd (Maricopa)
Appointed March 1991 to serve term through December 31, 1994 vacated by Hank Raymond.


David King Udall (Maricopa)
Elected 1989-1994, resigned October 16, 1989.

Stewart Udall (Maricopa) (deceased)
Elected 1981-1982 (Executive Committee 1981-[1982]); elected 1983-1988.


Morrison Warren (Maricopa) (deceased)
Appointed in July 1971 by Governor Williams to serve through 1972; elected 1973- 1976; elected 1977-1980.

Steve Weatherspoon (Pima) (deceased)
Elected 1997-2002 (Executive Committee 2001- 2002).

Jim Weeks (Maricopa)
Elected 1993-1998.

Jack Williams (Maricopa) (deceased)
Elected 1981-1986; elected 1987-1992 (Executive Committee 1987) (Executive Committee 1988) (President 1991-1992); elected 1993-1998 (Executive Committee 1993-1994). Resigned December 1994.

Russell Williams (Maricopa) (deceased)
Appointed January 9, 1988 to serve term through December 31, 1992 vacated by Howard Pyle (Executive Committee 1989-1990). Died in office December 12, 1990.

Howard Wuertz (Pinal)
Appointed in July 1971 by Governor Williams to serve through 1972; elected 1973-1976 (Vice President December 1973- 1976); elected 1977-1980 (President 1977-1978) (President 1979-1980); elected 1981-1984 (President 1981-1982) (Executive Committee 1983-1984); elected 1985-1990 (Executive Committee 1985-1986) (Executive Committee 1987-1988) (Vice President 1989-1990).


Carol Zimmerman (Pima)
Elected 2003-2008; elected 2009-2014 (Executive Committee 2009- 2011).

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