Committee Membership
Committee Membership
Executive Committee
To handle emergencies between Board meetings and to make recommendations to the Board. All actions of the Executive Committee shall be subject to ratification by the Board. The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, the immediate past President and two Directors elected by the Board.
CAGRD & Underground Storage
To provide assistance to the Board by addressing issues, policies and proposed legislative amendments relating to the Central Arizona Groundwater Replenishment District’s responsibilities and authorities and CAWCD’s underground storage and recovery activities. The Secretary will chair the committee.
Finance, Audit & Power Committee
To provide assistance to the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities to the electorate relating to accounting and reporting, the quality and integrity of the District’s financial reports, and the budgetary and fiscal practices of the district, operational security, energy risk management and other power and transmission matters. The Vice President will chair the committee. This committee will also serve as the Ad Hoc Energy Committee.
Public Policy Committee
To provide recommendations to the Board on the District’s positions on state legislative issues, federal legislative issues and other public policy issues. A director appointed by the President will chair the committee. The Public Policy Committee receives staff support from the Legislative Affairs Department. See more information about the Public Policy Committee.