Planning and Processes
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Planning and Processes
CAP’s service area is comprised of three counties in central and southern Arizona: Maricopa, Pinal and Pima. This 24,000-square-mile area (approximately 20 percent of the state) includes nearly 6 million people, which is also more than 80 percent of the state’s population. The service area also includes Arizona’s three largest Active Management Areas (Phoenix, Pinal and Tucson) in which water is closely regulated by the Arizona Department of Water Resources. The CAP system typically serves approximately 60 water users that fall into three primary categories: municipal and industrial, agricultural and tribal. The system also serves excess water users every year.
For additional information, please contact Ken Seasholes, CAP Resources Planning & Analysis Manager (623-869-2476).
The Non-Indian Agricultural (NIA) priority pool refers to water that was originally designated for agricultural use, excluding tribes. It is primarily available to cities, industries and tribes.
Regional Planning Efforts
CAP is committed to planning for the future to fulfill its vision to be a collaborative partner and innovative leader in sustainable management and reliable delivery of water for central Arizona.
How does the CAP System Priority work? The “A matter of priorities” explainer answers questions.