Water: Brought to you by Central Arizona Project. The 336-mile CAP system took 20 year to build, cost $4 billion, and is an engineering marvel that has contributed dramatically to our quality of life and the sustainability of the state’s water supply and economy.
Brought to you by Central Arizona Project

The 336-mile CAP system took 20 years to build, cost $4 billion, and is an engineering marvel that has contributed dramatically to our quality of life and the sustainability of the state’s water supply and economy.

Register for CAP University: Deeper Dive on Finance
There is still time to register for CAP University: Deeper Dive on Finance on Feb. 25. The event is free and open to the public.
Public Meetings
Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are held at CAP Headquarters, 23636 N. 7th St., Phoenix, AZ. Sign up to be notified of CAP board meetings.

Water Supply
Colorado River water: Adapting, protecting and building resiliency.

CAP System
Reliable deliveries to central and southern Arizona.
About Us
Central Arizona Project (CAP) is a 336-mile system that supplies Colorado River water to the most populated regions in Arizona, and delivers more tribal water than any other organization in the United States.
Doing business with CAP. CAP engages in a wide range of activities while operating and maintaining the components of the system, and a great variety of equipment, supplies and services must be purchased to support these operations.