Lake Pleasant
Lake Pleasant
Water stored in Lake Pleasant comes from two main sources: the Colorado River via the CAP canal and runoff from the Agua Fria River. CAP pumps Colorado River water into Lake Pleasant during the fall and winter months and releases water during the spring and summer to meet higher demands.
Lake Pleasant, located near the midpoint of the CAP system in central Arizona, is CAP’s storage reservoir, providing flexibility to balance Colorado River water supply diversions and customer deliveries, and maintaining the CAP system and energy costs.
Despite a Tier 1 shortage declaration for Colorado River operations that began on Jan. 1, 2025, CAP is not expecting the Lake Pleasant water level to be significantly impacted in 2024. CAP expects the lake level to go down, but not outside normal historical operating ranges.
For information about lake recreational facilities or access to boat ramps, please contact Maricopa County Parks and Recreation.
Lake Pleasant Operations
Waddell Pump/Generating Plant
The operational forecast for 2025 Lake Pleasant and New Waddell Dam operations is below with actual and forecast elevations.