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Power Task Force

Power Task Force


From October 2013 until September 2015, the CAWCD Board of Directors and staff had convened several meetings, workshops, and retreats to discuss the future of the Navajo Generating Station (NGS) and power alternatives. In October 2015, the CAWCD Board adopted the Post-NGS Power Strategy that calls for the diversify CAP’s energy portfolio. Most recently, the CAWCD “Power Task Force” was convened, which is chaired and comprised of CAWCD Board Members. The scope of the Task Force was to review the operation and policy considerations related to the potential closing of the NGS and its impact on CAP. 


The Power Task Force has concluded as of the June 22, 2017, meeting. The Task Force provided recommendations to CAP staff on the criteria that will be incorporated in a Request for Proposal (RFP). The product of the RFP will be several portfolios based on cost, renewables, Arizona energy providers, and diversification which will be brought to the Finance, Audit, and Power Committee for consideration and recommendation. The Power Task Force has concluded as of the June 22, 2017, meeting. The Task Force provided recommendations to CAP staff on the criteria that will be incorporated in a Request for Proposal (RFP). The product of the RFP will be several portfolios based on cost, renewables, Arizona energy providers, and diversification which will be brought to the Finance, Audit, and Power Committee for consideration and recommendation.


Co-Chairs: Heather Macre, Mark Taylor 

Members: Alexandra Arboleda, Lisa A. Atkins, Jennifer Brown, Karen Cesare, Guy Carpenter, Terry Goddard, Benjamin Graff, Jim Hartdegen, Jim Holway, Pat Jacobs, Mark Lewis, Sharon Megdal, Pamela Pickard 


Meetings, Workshops and Retreats Prior to Commencement of the Power Task Force

2013-10-17/18Board of Directors Power RetreatCAP Energy Needs
Overview of Generation Alternatives
CAP Energy Portfolio – Post-NGS
2014-06-24Board of Directors Scenario Planning WorkshopScenario Planning Overview
Power Workshop PowerPoint
Power Procurement Scenarios Graphic
CAP Energy Strategy Scenarios
2015-04-16Finance, Audit, and Power Committee Presentation Report on and Discussion of Post-NGS Energy Portfolio
2015-09-17Finance, Audit, and Power Committee Presentation Discussion and Possible Consideration of Action of ...
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